Sneegsnag Updates

Account Info

Sneegsnag Info


Art by: @yarenisthinking

Account Info:

This account is made for updates on Sneegsnag. We'll update on when he goes live, when he's on other peoples streams, when he posts on YouTube, when he's in others YouTube videos, ect...
(If we miss anything it would be very appreciated if you could respectfully let us know)

Account Boundaries:

Don't make parody AccountsBe respectful, we are people and are bound to miss a few thingsIf we do miss something please dm us respectfully and don't spam us

Sneegs Socials:

Sneegs Boundaries:

-> He isnt okay with NSFW
-> He's not okay with shipping, remember he is in a relationship

-> If you are making “weird shit” (nsfw or anything dealing with minors) Sneeg will “roast your ass”, meaning he will call you out on it.
-> He wants to educate whoever is doing the weird or wrong stuff, because he thinks they’re able to learn from being told how it’s wrong.
->  "Weird shit" isn’t just shipping or nsfw.
-> Don't come out the gate being weird, you'll most likely be timed out
-> Don't ask him to do things with other streamers
-> Don't beg for attention
-> Don't repeat the same questions over and over thinking he hasn't seen it
-> Don't ask him to play other games
-> Don't ask him weird questions or call him weird names like d*ddy
-> Don't spam tts
-> Don't ask him to show his dogs, just look at his instagram
-don't redeem funny mic/kronk/3 minute ad points when he's clearly busy and preoccupied
-> Don't be in his chat just because another streamer is there and try to get Sneeg to tell things to them, it's rude
-> He can take insults but don't be a dick about it.
-> Don't backseat unless he asks or is new to the game.
-> Don't ask when one of his friends his streaming (this should be a well known thing)
-> Don't ask him about being added the dreamsmp, it's not his choice


Admin 1 / Main Admin
Name - Ori
Pronouns - they/boo/he/she
Other Info - I am non-bianary, pansexual, and greysexual. I am diagnosed with anxiety
Main Twitter - @OriSaysStuff
Boundaries - Remember I'm a minor so don't be weird

Admin 2
name - grey <3
Pronouns - they/he
Other Info - I am genderfluid, lesbian, asexual, polyamorous and I have dyslexia
Main Twitter - @honkgreyy
Boundaries - I have dyslexia so don't point out misspelled words because it can make me feel bad (if you are having a lot of trouble understanding something let us know nicely in the replies so we can clear it up)

Admin 3
Name - Beth or Bethan
Pronouns - she/they
Main Twitter - @1106Beth9
Other Info - my instagram is beth9_1106
Boundaries - Remember I'm a minor